Anyway, it's hard to explain this to my husband. He's 6'1" and weighs 175. He's in the army and it's part of his job to stay in shape. And it's infuriating because he's one of those assholes who can eat 10,000 calories a day and not put on any weight. His whole family is like that. I feel like Gulliver or the giant from Jack and the Bean stalk when we go visit his family, a diminutive clan of people who live in a house stock full of every snack and guilty food pleasure you could ask for.
So I just told him that I'm doing my best. I did a 37 minute stationary bike workout and then just for kicks and giggles, I got on the treadmill and cranked it up to 5.3 mph, which according to Adam, should be a light jog. For the first 30 seconds I was ok, despite my fat and boobs flailing about. I was thankful no one else was in the work out room. After 1 minute and 27 seconds I was gripping the rails of the treadmill and punching the red Emergency Stop button for dear life. My distance? .12 miles. That's half a lap around a track. I would fail an army physical test with flying colors.
And guess what Adam brought home for lunch? Carl's Jr., goddamit.
You're hilarious. I know you are heading home tomorrow so you should have a lot, a LOT to write about. I can't wait to see. Of course, I will just have to wait until the night hours since I can't have access to anything at work. Not even Google Earth. Really, the damage that could happen from Google Earth falling into the hands of a 6th grader....ponder that.